Rock the day ...
To begin my usual little blah, I must tell you that I made a video. Yes. But YouTube was acting up, result: an offset sound / image. Being a perfectionist at the edges, I thought it was original at first but in fact it is not fun at all. So I will summarize in writing what I said in this short video. (Besides, it suits me because I do not like to see me on video haha.)
So I you say a big thank you for everything, whether for your comments, visits and the fact that you follow me everywhere. It gives me great pleasure. I also wanted to tell you that I have some projects with respect to the blog and respect to my "future career". I will leave it as it's still in my head and there is nothing concrete at the moment but I can tell you is that you have inspired many!
Now about my outfit and the pictures. Finally look of the day ... Yes. In Lille, the sun falls very quickly, so it should be 19h-19h30 lorsqu'Alexandre took these photos on the famous Grand Place de Lille, at the balcony Theatre North. So for me it will look the day.
This shoot was pretty périeux, I do not count the number of times the dizziness took possession of my being, nor the number of times I could crush me to earth (and given the height, it would have bad!)
WARNING! This article is in two parts ... And here is the first. You will have the following in a few days ... Patience my love ...
The fountain behind me can attest to a lot of things about me ...